February 11, 2011

Valentines 2011 Wrap Up

My YW made a bunch of these for our mid-week activity, just in time for Valentine's Day.  I found the tutorial HERE and we couldn't resist.  The girls really liked them.

My bookclub is doing a Valentine gift exchange this month.  We have to choose an object to represent one of our favorite books, $10 or less.  I chose Pride and Prejudice (as if there was ANY other choice), bought a cute mug, a Porcelaine pen at Michael's, and wrote one of the most famous quotes from the book on it.  Stick the mug in the oven at 300 degrees to set the ink and your are done!  This idea was a combo from HERE and HERE.  For my first try, I'm pretty happy with it.  I think with some practice I could make some really cute teacher/friend/birthday gifts.

That's it for me and Valentine's Day this year.

I promise.


  1. Its turned out really cute... last night was fun!

  2. Oh, I love that mug. And that's a great quote. Well done.
