May 20, 2012

Exercise Update: 5K

I completed my first 5K last weekend!  Here is my pre-race game face.

It was hard.  It was hot.  It was a really hilly course.  I didn't stop running once, although my pace was really slow thanks to the hills.  I don't care, I did it!

I'm going to hopefully do a couple of more this year, maybe after my allergies are under control (I'm pretty miserable right now) and the summer heat has subsided.  I'm still going to keep running in my neighborhood in the meantime.

Weight update:  Still haven't lost a single pound.  It's not ok, but I'm not giving up yet.


  1. Great job, Brittney! I hope to be there in about a year. We'll see if I can fit any training in with 4 kids. lol
