November 2, 2008

Hello Pumpkin

I have a new niece and wanted to make a little homemade gift for her to wear during the Thanksgiving season. I even ordered a special stamp that said "hello pumpkin" and was going to use it. Well, the stamp still has not been delivered (bought it online), so I was forced to use plan B. It turned out alright, but I think I'll make another one when my real stamp gets here.

The present probably hasn't gotten to you yet Tiff, so I guess you get to see it early. I hope you like it and you'll have to tell me how it washes up for you. I washed it once with the decorations on, but baby clothes get washed so often, you don't know how they'll hold up.


  1. VERY CUTE. You are quite the crafty lady. I may be hitting JoAnn- Fabrics everyday this week to cure my craft craving

  2. Just got it in the mail. Even cuter in person. Thank you so much. I'll post a picture of her in it for you. Can't wait to see you.

  3. Hey there crafty girl! You do such cute things! I am super excited to have your blog to see your adorable family & your super cute & fun projects!
