September 1, 2009

Christmas is Calling....

The time has come..... for me to get to work on my youngest child's Christmas stocking.
Hopefully, by the time we get out the decorations this year, the stocking above will look like the picture below.

My mom made one of these for each of us growing up and I have continued the tradition with my husband and children. Poor Tyler didn't get a completed stocking last year. Since he was only 6 months old and we had just moved the day after Thanksgiving, I think he has forgiven me.

It may just take me until the holiday to finish it though. It's for a really good reason, I promise.... I am going to be taking a quilting class. Not just a relative sitting me down for a couple of hours on a Saturday. Oh, no. We are talking once a week, expert teaching, for the rest of the YEAR quilting class! I am going to learn it all and I am very excited. I'll post my way along so you can see my (hopefully) progress.

Also, I have received a few requests to learn how to make the monogrammed onesies. It just so happens that I have a good friend who is due in TWO days. I am merely waiting to hear what the bouncy baby boy's name will be (or at least what it starts with) before I begin. Look for a tutorial soon.


  1. How fun. What cute stockings! I am so excited to hear about your quilting class. It is definitely something I have wanted to learn too, but I think I need to get a sewing machine first. We got the monogrammed shirts!!!!!! They are wonderful! I was going to take a picture of both of them wearing them, but then Jill did a little spit up on they next wearing will definitely have a picture. Good for you for getting out and taking a class! You're great.

  2. I too think its great youre taking a quilting class. And I seriously love your stocking! My mom made some huge stockings for my sisters and me, then my sister kept the tradition alive with her family...with a little inspiration from you I think Ill get my act into gear and just do it for my family too. I love how intricate(sp) your stockings are.

  3. I love this style of Christmas stocking. It is what Jonathan has- I don't know if his mom made his, but I think it is sweet. Where do you buy these kits? I have yet to make stockings for my family- I should probably start before it gets bigger!! Have I told you I think you're amazing? It boggles my mind how you manage to do all this with 3 boys!! You are awesome. A quilting class will be so fun! Now you can teach us all sorts of tricks as you learn them! Can't wait to see the finished stocking- and I want to see the others!

  4. I got these at Michals a long time ago. Sometimes you can find them at Joann's and Walmart. For sure, you can find them online. Google "felt applique Christmas stocking".
