September 21, 2009

Quilting Class: Week 1

Week #1 of my quilting class has come and gone. We were asked to come to our class with a light, medium, and dark fabric of our choosing.

Ta Da! My first quilt square (or is it a block?)! We did a rail fence pattern. This square is 12"x12" and I think it turned out pretty cute. A lot of fun to do and definitely not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it considering it was my first time creating a quilt square/block/thing.


  1. Wow that looks awesome! Great job! You would never know that was your first.

  2. How cool, This is easy enough that I might be able to do myself. Now I just need to come up with the money for all the great ideas.

  3. You are going to have one fabulous quilt!! Proud of you!
