May 13, 2010

Painting Progress!

Kitchen Before

My husband painting over the last little bit of red...

Kitchen After.
(Sorry, not a great shot)

Here's a better shot of the color. Now, just have to work up the energy to paint the cabinets. Oh dear.

Entry/Living Before

Entry/Living After

Hall Before

Hall After.

Still have to paint the ceiling, so just imagine a nice, crisp white coat of paint up there.

So the walls are painted and now I need to figure out what on earth I am going to hang on them. I'm scared to put a bunch of nail holes in my beautiful walls, but I think that fear will pass quickly enough once I start imagining pictures here and there.


  1. Looks Great!!!!! I see you went with blue for your hallway. It looks crisp witht he white trim and not dark at all down there.

  2. Wow. It's looking so good. Great to see the before and after pictures.
