September 28, 2010

Fans of the Toy Story Cake

Remember my Toy Story Cake I made last year for a friend?  Well, I posted it on a cake decorating site and it has received a lot of feedback, especially once Toy Story 3 came out in the theaters.  I have received dozens of emails from other fellow cake decorators, asking for tips and wanting to see more pictures.

Every once and a while, I will get a picture sent back to me from someone who made their own version of my Toy Story Cake.  Aren't they great?  Keep decorating out there everyone!  It has been so much fun to share tips and tricks and read of your success making this fun cake.  To infinity and beyond!


  1. Anonymous9/29/2010

    Dang! You're FAMOUS! =o) Love it and LOVE the cake. SO cute. I'll have to hire you to make a cake for Mallory's 4th birthday

  2. How fun to get so much positive feedback.
