September 24, 2010

Luau Party

Our church had a luau dinner party last week.  I signed up to bring cupcakes.

I wanted to get a little more elaborate and do some kind of tropical flower along with the "sand", but alas, time caught up with me once again.

The "Aloha" signs and graham cracker sand idea is from Bakerella, click HERE.

The "Luau Party" signs are from Paper Glitter, click HERE.


  1. So fun. Just having little signs sticking out really adds to cupcakes. Well done. Although I'm sure they tasted terrific by themselves. Mmmm mmmm.

  2. I had a friend who couldn't find a cupcake topper to work for her daughter's birthday so instead she found stickers and made them look like suckers. Love the idea.
