June 25, 2013

Pixel Quilt

 My son needed a new quilt for his twin bed.  His birthday was coming up, so I gave myself a deadline and got to work.  I let him choose a quilt design from my Pinterest page, that way he had some say in the design and I got to make something that I liked.  He finally decided on THIS quilt because it reminded him of pixels, like in a video or computer game.  That's my boy.

There was a lot of cutting and fiddling with placement, but after that, it all came together really quick.  It's basically a patchwork, just with more purpose in placement of the squares.

Trying to decide on design.  I made myself a little "key" out of graph paper squares, you can see it just a little bit in the top left corner.

Sorry for the funky pictures, they were cell phone pictures I played around with to post on Instagram.  Next time, I'll make sure and get some normal camera shots too.

 Ahh....that's better.

 Quilt top done.

 I cut 5 and a 1/2 inch squares, after sewing with a 1/4 inch seam allowance, each square measured 5 inches even.


Pieced together a backing and started quilting with a rainbow quilt thread.  I still haven't tried free motion quilting, I'm completely intimidated by it.  Maybe I should take a class or something.

 My nine year old on a step stool isn't quite tall enough or has enough wing span to show a twin quilt properly....yet.  Maybe this time next year.

The quilt is 60 x 90 inches and fits his bed perfectly.

 He loves his quilt and brings it out in the living room to snuggle in during morning cartoons.

Pieced backing.  Some leftover pixels and a cool maze-like grey fabric.

My son actually got a bit frustrated with me for dragging his quilt outside and getting it dirty on the deck.  I threw it in the wash as soon as I finished taking photos though and all was well again in our home.

My son picked out the binding himself.  I probably wouldn't have chosen it since the greens don't match, but he loves it and when it's all put together, I think it works.

 I think I'll wait a bit before tackling a twin size quilt again.  They are hard to work with because they are large!  This was a lot of fun though and it was worth every ounce of trouble because the recipient is so happy with the finished result.


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