November 1, 2013

One Year Old!

 One year ago today, my dear friend had a baby girl.  I can't believe how fast that year has flown by!  It seems like yesterday, I was making this quilt for her.

 Her family is having a little party for her tonight and I got to make the smash cake for little Avery to demolish.  Just a simple white cake, two six-inch rounds stacked on top of each other, frosted with buttercream.  I printed out a large "1" on my computer, put it on top of the cake, and sprinkled the top to death.  Make sure to push the sprinkles down a little with your hand, ensuring they stick to the frosting.  Peel off your paper number, fix any frosting disturbances, and you can call that cake DONE!

I'm bummed that I can't make the party to take pictures of this in all it's messy glory, but I'm hoping Mom will get some good shots for me to see later.

Happy 1st Birthday Avery!


  1. Thank you SO much for making this cake! It was a big hit! I am glad I took a few pictures of it before Austin got to it. =o) He got to it before Avery could.

    She wouldn't touch it for a while, so Wesley took a slice of it and gave it to her to eat. It took about 5 minutes before it was in her hair. I'll post pictures soon. We missed you!!

  2. I loved this cake, but I was waiting to see the Avery Girl get into the cake ;.)

    Now I know the rest of the story ;.)
