May 22, 2012


My Mother's Day gift from my boys this year was some planters to hang off of our deck.  I wanted some herbs and flowers.  Now, I have tried a lot of different tasks, craft techniques, etc.  I have a lot of areas of interest in my life, but there are two things I despise:  gardening and exercise.  The reason?  Delayed gratification.  You do not see the fruits of your labors until much further down the road.  Instant, satisfying results do not take place in either of these least for me.  

This year is all about expansion of my own personal hang ups.  I am running, entering races, and trying to take better care of myself down the long road.  Losing a few pounds would not be a bad thing either.  I don't like it and I have to wait for results....annoying.  I feel the same way about gardening.  I have to remember to do the little things every day in order to enjoy the food and/or flowers later on.  So far, I have remembered to water and dead head my flowers every day.  My basil and oregano are large enough to start snipping stems for cooking.  We will be eating a lot of Italian food this summer.

Here's to trying new things....and delayed gratification.


Grammie Star Wars said...

Lovely Mother's Day gift! Perfect garden just right for all to water and enjoy doing so ;.)

balloongal said...

They look really good. Good for you. It is hard sometimes when things take a while, but you're doing great.

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